Furniture Repair Bank

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Impacts - Fall 2024

This fall our repair events remained strong all the way up to the holiday break. Our volunteer ranks keep growing as does the number of furniture pieces we save from the landfill. Pickups and deliveries were more frequent during the last few months of the year, moving the refinished pieces into their new homes to provide comfort to their new owners. Thank you to everyone who has contributed their time, effort, and of course, FURNITURE to our cause!

Repair Events & Volunteers Continued to Grow

  • During the cooler fall months we held 60 repair events, including 26 corporate and group teams, maintaining our pace from the previous quarter even with two major holidays in the mix. We continued our program of furniture collections at the Seattle Transfer Stations, completing five events between the North and South Stations. One of the collection days was supported by volunteers from Gay for Good who have been helping us rally support for these events in addition to volunteering at the workshop! Companies that joined us this fall included new teams from repeat partners Microsoft, REI, Pariveda, BECU, Amazon, Salesforce, and Starbucks. First time corporate volunteers included the Trade Desk, The Gates Foundation, KPMG, SHKS Architects, Brighton Jones, Identity Digital, and Boeing. One Amazon group that joined us took their support a step further than the usual furniture restoration. Their group broke into two parts, one working on furniture items at the workshop and the other providing trucks and delivering furniture to the families we serve! The pics below are just a sampling of the motivated teams that joined us. Thank you all for your hard work and time with us!

  • New individual volunteers continue to join our mission for assorted purposes: to reduce furniture waste, support their community, learn new skills or share ones they already have! Our regular Monday Repair Days remain quite popular and we have many regulars committing their free time to the cause every week.

Serving Our Community

  • Over 350 furniture items were restored and provided to individuals and families in the greater Seattle area, our largest number yet!

  • We served over 100 people from 37 households through partnerships with twelve agencies including the Diocese of Olympia Refugee Resettlement Office who picked up furniture for ten families from our workshop over three months.

  • Two large dining tables and fourteen chairs were provided to the nonprofit Vashon HouseHold. Their Island Center Homes is a 5-home, 40-unit project on Vashon Island that will serve seniors, people with disabilities, people exiting homeless situations, and veterans. These tables and chairs will be available in the community dining area to be enjoyed by many of their residents.

As our output has continued to increase over these final months of 2024, we are eager to see the trend continue in 2025! We will resume operations after our winter break on January 20th for Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service.

To sign up for a Repair Day or to help with Transfer Station collection events (both listed here on our calendar), email

Interested in scheduling a group event for your work team or other group? Complete our group event request form here. Teams are already scheduling events into March so secure your date soon!

See you at the Repair Bank!

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